Spinning Copper Sprinklers with Colorful Blown Glass

Spinning Copper Sprinklers with Colorful Blown Glass

Every sprinkler comes as a complete set-up, with a large copper hoop, a small copper hoop with your choice of glass color, the 2-part stand and the 4-prong base, ready for 1-minute assembly, as seen in the example here.

Each small hoop includes your choice of a copper-wrapped six-inch glass ball, with colors that will not fade or wear with time. Hand-blown, they're colorful, bright and simply beautiful, as well as being resilient. 

There're many colors and patterns to choose from to make your sprinkler personal to you. Some balls are transparent, some are opaque, some are single colored, many are multi-colored. You're sure to find just the right color for your design aesthetic tastes.
The beauty of colorful glass and copper combined together will create a dramatic, hypnotic, mesmerizing and functional addition to your garden or yard!

Blue Purple and Gold Glass Ball
Blue/Purple/Gold Glass Ball
Green Blue Yellow Glass ball
Green/Blue/Yellow Glass Ball
Marigold Red and Yellow Glass Ball
Marigold Red & Yellow Glass Ball